Video Book Summary – The Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords by Perry Marshall and Brian Todd

Before I start I have to disclose that I’m a big fan of Perry Marshall’s and of Bryan Todd’s. I’ve followed their teachings for years and recently attended their consulting accelerator seminar which was held in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. I am an affiliate and sometimes I make ...

Video Book Summary – Revenue Disruption by Phil Fernandez

I looked forward to reading this book because it was written by Phil Fernandez, who is the President of Marketo. Marketo is, in my opinion one of the hallmarks of marketing automation today. I like companies that eat their own dog food / practice what they preach. Phil was the President of Epiphany software ...

Video Book Summary – Marketing Automation by Jeff LeSueur

This is a video book summary about “Marketing Automation, Practical Steps to More Effective Direct Marketing” by Jeff LeSueur.   Transcript of Video Book Summary – Marketing Automation, Practical Steps to More Effective Direct Marketing by Jeff LeSueur This book, written by Jeff ...
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